Motorola has rolled out the 4K Android TV Stick in India today. The Android TV stick is available at a price of Rs 3,999. The first sale of Motorola 4K Android TV Stick will start in the third week of March 2021. The device is based on Android TV 9 Pie operating system. The device also extends support to apps like Amazon Prime Video, Zee5, Netflix, and YouTube. You can view your favorite movies and shows in Ultra HD with the help of Motorola 4K Android TV stick.
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Motorola 4K Android TV Stick Specifications
It runs on the A53 quad core processor and has 2GB RAM along with 16GB internal storage. The stick offers HDR support for various formats like HLG and HDR10. Moreover, it is compatible with dual band WiFi too. The device also has built-in Chromecast and Google Assistant support. To download any app, users can head to the Google Play Store for Android TV. The device offers strong connectivity via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
The Android TV Stick has made its entry into the Indian market via e-commerce platform Flipkart. It will have a face-off with other devices like Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K and Mi Box 4K. The official pricing of the device has already been announced officially.
Other Expected Launches By Moto
The company is soon going to launch two new smartphones in India named Moto G10 Power and Moto G30. The launch will be held on March 9, 2021, at 12:00 PM IST. As per the announcement, Moto G10 will be powered by a 6000 mAh battery and will have a 48MP primary camera at the back. For other specifications and the final pricing, you have to wait for a few hours only.