After a long wait, Poco M3 Pro 5g has been finally launched in India via the online shopping website Flipkart. The smartphone has a unique and stylish design and it is the first 5G phone by the company in India. The smartphone comes with all the top-notch features like a high refresh rate, powerful processor, brilliant rear camera set up, fast charging support, and a lot more. Let's have a look at all what this masterpiece by Poco got.
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Poco M3 Pro 5G specifications
Poco M3 Pro 5G comes with a 6.5 inch FHD and a 90Hz refresh rate for a super smooth experience. The dual tone design of the smartphone is something refreshing to see in terms of looks. It is referred to as the switchblade design by the company. The smartphone runs on the MediaTek Diemsnity 700 processor and it is based on the latest Android 11 operating system. The device offers 6GB RAM for a high octane speed along with 128GB of internal storage to keep all the data.
In terms of optics, Poco M3 Pro 5G will feature a triple rear camera set up including a 48MP primary shooter, 2MP depth shooter, and a 2MP macro shooter. The rear camera set up of the smartphone delivers top notch photographs with all the minute details. In addition to that, it also sports a basic level 8MP front camera for the sake of selfies. It is powered by a 5000 mAh battery that can go on for a day without any low battery notifications. It also supports 18W fast charging that completely charges it quickly.
Poco M3 Pro 5g's 4GB variant with 64GB of internal storage is available at a price of Rs 13,999. The 6GB RAM variant of the smartphone along with 128GB of internal storage will be available at a price of Rs 15,999. The first sale of the smartphone is scheduled to be held on June 14.