Samsung Galaxy M32 has made its India debut on Monday, June 21. The smartphone will be exclusively available on Amazon India. Talking about the specifications, Samsung has offered a lot in the device including a high refresh rate, brilliant display, powerful processor, and a high-quality camera. The smartphone will also inlcude a pre-loaded Samsung Pay Mini app and privacy-focused mode AltZLife. The smartphone will have two different RAM variants along with different internal storage. As per the dolor, the users will get two options including Light Blue and Black.
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Samsung Galaxy M32 Specifications
Samsung Galaxy M32 comes with a 6.4 inch FHD+ Super AMOLED display along with a 90Hz refresh rate for a super smooth experience. The smartphone will run on the MediaTek Helio G80 processor and will be based on the latest Android 11 operating system. It will have 2 RAM variants including 4GB RAM with 64GB of internal storage and 6GB RAM with 128GB of internal storage. The device will also offer a dedicated microSD card slot to expand the memory.
In terms of optics, Samsung Galaxy M32 will include a quad rear camera set up including a 64MP primary shooter, 8MP ultra wide-angle shooter, 2MP depth sensor, and a 2MP macro sensor. At the front, it will feature a 20MP camera for video calls and selfies. The device packs a 6000 mAh battery that can deliver up to 130 hours of music playback, 25 hours of video playback or 40 hours of talk time in a single charge. It will also support 25W fast charging that will fuel it up quickly.
Pricing And Availability
The first sale of Samsung Galaxy M32 will be held on Amazon India on June 28. The 4GB RAM variant of the smartphone will be available at a price of Rs 14,999 and the 6GB RAM variant will be available at a price of Rs 16,999.